Desktops, tablets, mobile phones….

Technology is a wonderful and handy aid for people with vision loss, knowing how to use technology can help you with, shopping, keeping in touch with family, friends and your community, it keeps you connected with the outside world, search for help and advice, join support groups, online banking, online applications, doctors appointments, order repeat prescriptions. You can listen to audio books, watch tv and movies, listen to the radio. There are many more reasons why everyone should have the opportunity to learn to use technology. Being tech savvy means you can even follow us on Facebook or look up this information yourself. Have I convinced you yet?

1:1 advice and training on the following:

  •  Windows PC’s using Windows Magnifier, Supernova or Guide Software.
  •  Touch typing or  advice on large print keyboards.
  •  Tablet accessibility features.
  •  Mobile phone accessibility Features.
  •  Home hubs, Google home, Alexa etc…
  •  and anything else you feel would be relevant!