Tombola @ Harrogate Hospital – Thursday 27th September.
Beryl Wood and her very kind friends are having a tombola in the Harrogate Hospital Foyer on Thursday 27th September, to raise funds for us! If you are at the hospital that day, please pop by and say hi (and have a go on the tombola!)

Pateley Bridge Coffee Morning

Our Pateley Bridge members have got together and organised a Coffee Morning in St Cuthbert’s Church Hall on Saturday 1st September 2018.
It is free to enter and there will be a tombola, cakes, crafts and lots of company. Come along and find out more about Vision Support.
UPDATE: Well done Pateley Bridge Members you raised a marvellous £293.95!

Christmas Fair – Saturday 18th November, 11am – 1pm

Crafts, cakes, cards, tombola, books & much more…. Come along and join us for coffee and a mince pie, £1.50 entry! All homemade cards, crafts and cakes, made lovingly by Vision Support members and volunteers.