If you are interested in joining in any of our activities, please give Lizzie a call on 01423 565915, there are no limits on the amount of activities you can join, so please feel free to join as many as you like. Any which incur a small charge are noted below. We also arrange day trips in the Summer & around Christmas time, you will find out about these through our quarterly newsletter when you join as a member. Our charity is free to join.
To avoid disappointment on your first trip, always phone to check the class is on that day as our volunteers do have an occasional holiday. They deserve it!
Day | Activity | Frequency | Time |
Tuesday | Basketry | Weekly, term time only | 10am – 12pm |
Coffee & Crosswords | Weekly | 10.30am – 12.30pm | |
Knit & Knatter | Weekly, term time only | 1pm – 3pm | |
Audiobook Club £16 a year | 2nd Tuesday in Month | 12pm – 1pm | |
Ripon Advice Drop in | Weekly | 10.15am – 12pm | |
Ripon Group | Weekly, term time only | 10.15am – 12pm | |
Evening Social | Last Tuesday in Month | 6pm – 9pm | |
Wednesday | Keep Fit | Weekly | 10.30am – 11.45am |
Pottery | Weekly, term time only | 12pm – 3pm | |
Pateley Bridge Group | 1st Wednesday in Month | 1pm – 2.30pm | |
Wetherby Group | 3rd Wednesday in Month | 1pm – 3pm | |
Thursday | Coffee & News | Weekly | 10am – 12pm |
Soup & Pud Club £3 | Weekly | 12pm – 1.30pm | |
Bridge Club | Weekly | 1pm – 3.30pm | |
Line Dancing | Weekly | 2pm – 3.30pm | |
Friday | Bowling | Weekly | 10am – 12pm |
Fish n Chips £10 | Weekly | 1pm – 2pm | |
Friday Fun! | Weekly | 2pm – 3.30pm |